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Construction List - Rockwell Commander 114

  Serial Line No Model Reg Current/Last Operator Status
Not Seen It 196 Rockwell Commander 114 OO-VGV V.G.V. Flight Team Active
Not Seen It 14002 Rockwell Commander 114 N1902J Rockwell International Written-off
Not Seen It 14006 Rockwell Commander 114 G-BMJL David John Hawkins Active
Not Seen It 14014 Rockwell Commander 114 G-BDYD John Robert Pybus Written-off
Not Seen It 14067 Rockwell Commander 114 G-OMUM Edward John Percival Active
Not Seen It 14074 Rockwell Commander 114 G-TECH Case Aviation Ltd Active
Not Seen It 14079 Rockwell Commander 114 G-BUSW Martin John Peter Lynch Active
Not Seen It 14118 Rockwell Commander 114 G-BVNL Anthony William Scragg Left Fleet
Not Seen It 14161 Rockwell Commander 114 G-BHSE LX Avionics Ltd Left Fleet
Not Seen It 14190 Rockwell Commander 114 C-GIHV Barrie I. Strafford & Associates Ltd Stored
Not Seen It 14200 Rockwell Commander 114B D-EIXE Private Owner Active
Not Seen It 14204 Rockwell Commander 114 N4874W Southern Aircraft Consultancy Inc Trustee Active
Not Seen It 14214 Rockwell Commander 114 G-BERW Romeo Whiskey Ltd Scrapped
Not Seen It 14224 Rockwell Commander 114 G-HILO Alpha-Golf Flying Group Active
Not Seen It 14233 Rockwell Commander 114 G-BIFD David Frederick Soul Crashed
Not Seen It 14234 Rockwell Commander 114 G-BERI G-BERI Group Active
Not Seen It 14271 Rockwell Commander 114 G-BFXS Martin Nelson Active
Not Seen It 14274 Rockwell Commander 114 G-OLFT David Alexander Tubby Active
Not Seen It 14280 Rockwell Commander 114 VH-DDY Jason David Dawson Active
Not Seen It 14304 Rockwell Commander 114 G-BFAI Paul Ellingford Stored
Not Seen It 14314 Rockwell Commander 114 G-LADS David Frederick Soul Active
Not Seen It 14366 Rockwell Commander 114TC D-EJHM Private Owner Active
Not Seen It 14378 Rockwell Commander 114 N771CB Skycruise Inc Active
Not Seen It 14385 Rockwell Commander 114 D-EHGE Private Owner Active
Not Seen It 14387 Rockwell Commander 114 N583GW M&S Marine Aviation LLC Active
Not Seen It 14409 Rockwell Commander 114 OO-TST Private Owner Written-off
Not Seen It 14415 Rockwell Commander 114 G-LIMA Tricolore Aeroclub Ltd Scrapped
Not Seen It 14423 Rockwell Commander 114 G-BGBZ Edward John Percival Left Fleet
Not Seen It 14428 Rockwell Commander 114 G-BOLT Nigel Newnham Drew Active
Not Seen It 14507 Rockwell Commander 114A D-EJAZ Private Owner Left Fleet
Not Seen It 14516 Rockwell Commander 114A G-JURG Martin Geoffrey Wright Active
Not Seen It 14527 Rockwell Commander 114A N50AY International Air Services Inc Trustee Active
Not Seen It 14534 Rockwell Commander 114A N5917N William H. Thomas Active
Not Seen It 14538 Rockwell Commander 114A G-NATT Northgleam Ltd Active
Not Seen It 14563 Rockwell Commander 114B G-YOGA Thargo Ltd Active
Not Seen It 14566 Rockwell Commander 114B G-ELCH Leonard Ormsby Active
Not Seen It 14577 Rockwell Commander 114B LX-JTB Private Owner Left Fleet
Not Seen It 14580 Rockwell Commander 114B D-ERWF Private Owner Active
Not Seen It 14584 Rockwell Commander 114B N584CA JLS International Inc Active
Not Seen It 14589 Rockwell Commander 114B N6010Y Southern Aircraft Consultancy Inc Trustee Active
Not Seen It 14619 Rockwell Commander 114 N114AT Southern Aircraft Consultancy Inc Trustee Active
Not Seen It 14624 Rockwell Commander 114 G-FATB James D Peace and Company Active
Not Seen It 14635 Rockwell Commander 114B 2-ZOOM Bagair (Guernsey) Ltd Active
Not Seen It 14636 Rockwell Commander 114B OY-EST Private Owner Active
Not Seen It 14637 Rockwell Commander 114B N114ED Southern Aircraft Consultancy Inc Trustee Active
Not Seen It 14638 Rockwell Commander 114B G-JFER David Thomas Woodward Active
Not Seen It 14655 Rockwell Commander 114B G-FMLY Airlines PNG Active
Not Seen It 14661 Rockwell Commander 114B G-EMCA Steven Roberts Active
Not Seen It 14663 Rockwell Commander 114B 2-AKOP Micressa Holding Ltd Active
Not Seen It 14672 Rockwell Commander 114B N928HW Southern Aircraft Consultancy Inc Trustee Active
Not Seen It 14678 Rockwell Commander 114B N116SB 114B Holding Inc Trustee Active
Not Seen It 14682 Rockwell Commander 114B G-HPSL Interplus SP zoo Re-Regd
Not Seen It 20010 Rockwell Commander 114TC D-EWTC Private Owner Left Fleet
Not Seen It 20026 Rockwell Commander 114TC N512SF Aircraft Guaranty Corporation Trustee Active
Not Seen It 14411 Rockwell Commander 114 G-BKAY Derek Lawrence Bunning Active
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