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Construction List - L-1049E

  Serial Line No Model Reg Current/Last Operator Status
Not Seen It 4550 L-1049E- EC-AIN Iberia Written-off
Not Seen It 4551 L-1049E- HP-475 Biafran Gvmt Scrapped
Not Seen It 4552 L-1049E- EC-AIP Iberia Written-off
Not Seen It 4561 L-1049E- YV-C-AMS LAV Linea Aerea Venezolana Written-off
Not Seen It 4562 L-1049E- YV-C-ANF California Airmotive Corporation Scrapped
Not Seen It 4563 L-1049E- N9742Z California Airmotive Corporation Scrapped
Not Seen It 4564 L-1049E- CF-TGG Trans Canada Air Lines (TCA) Written-off
Not Seen It 4565 L-1049E- N9639Z California Airmotive Corporation Scrapped
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