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Japan Airlines A350 Bursts In To Flames On Landing

Admin Posted by nighthawk on 02 January 2024 - 11:49:12
Local Airport: CAX

Scary footage emerging from Japan today after an A350 apparently collided with a coast guard aircraft on landing.

All passengers on the Japan Airlines aircraft appear to have survived, while the 5 coastguard passengers status is currently unknown


Premium Posted by Dougiehd on 04 January 2024 - 13:56:35
Local Airport: CMB

An amazing escape for the 379 when you look at the video of the plane engulfed in flames coming down the runway, and the footage from inside and out.

Testament to the construction of the A350, the professionalism of the crew and common sense and non-stupidity of the passengers who did not stop to get their hand luggage.

A tragic loss of the five on the Coastguard plane, may they RIP.

First reports today from the ATC recordings that the Coastguard plane did not have take off clearance so should not have entered the runway.

Posted by Swakeleys on 04 January 2024 - 16:37:01

See report:


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