View Sightings For Pension2023

Name sikkerle
Local Airport No local airport specified.
Total Sightings 10
Airports Spotted At CJB (2), LECU (1), SLL (1), CSIA (1), MNL (1), GURU (1), CVT (1), OFF (1), OFF (1)

Recent Sightings

Date Reg Aircraft Airport
03/10/2023 TC-MBE Fokker F-27-500 (MNG Airlines) CVT
03/10/2023 VT-SSC Fokker F-27-200ME (School of Aeronautics) OFF
03/10/2023 VT-SSC Fokker F-27-200ME (School of Aeronautics) OFF
03/10/2023 VT-NEJ Fokker F-27-500 (NEPC Airlines) CJB
03/10/2023 VT-NEJ Fokker F-27-500 (NEPC Airlines) CJB
02/10/2023 D.2-03 Fokker F-27-200MAR (Armada Espanola (Spanish Navy)) LECU
02/10/2023 FAB-93 Fokker F-27-400M (Bolivian Air Force-Fuerza Aerea Boliviana) SLL
02/10/2023 VT-EWK Fokker F-27-500RF (East-West Airlines) CSIA
02/10/2023 10620 Fokker F-27-200-MAR (Philippine Air Force) MNL
02/10/2023 4R-EXK Fokker F-27-500 (FitsAir) GURU