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Germany , wrecks and preserved updated

Data Editor Posted by PaulGold on 26 April 2024 - 20:01:14
Local Airport: KNF

I have just completed a fleetlist edit for all German Military aircraft and added all the wrecks and preserved/museum frames that I could find

if you have any outstanding frames in your sightings please check them again and see if they are now in the database to add

also if you have any updated lists or sightings not added please let me know the details



Premium Posted by Erazkiel on 14 May 2024 - 09:46:19
Local Airport: VAF

Hi Paul,

Where can we access this list please? I cannot find it. Thanks a lot.


Data Editor Posted by PaulGold on 14 May 2024 - 16:53:59
Local Airport: KNF

sorry there is no seperate list , I have just added all the frames to the database as usual - many were missing or added to wrong museums.places

regards Paul

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