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My reports don't work like they used to

Posted by erdni on 11 February 2023 - 12:39:33
Local Airport: Not specified


At the moment I can't search for anything under 'my reports'.

Usually after seconds a search option appears. It does not. All reports from 1980 till today are on one page. The optic has changed.

For the reports from 22/06/2022 till 01/08/2022 the view button is missing.

Are there any reasons for this? Can You please try to get things back to normal?

Franzen has got the same problem, so I guess everybody has.

Thanks in advance


Posted by erdni on 11 February 2023 - 13:06:10
Local Airport: Not specified

Hi again

Situation changed:

Now the reports 08/2022 to 11/2022 have no view button, june and july reappeared.

An info would be helpful.

Thanks in advance


Posted by erdni on 11 February 2023 - 14:46:33
Local Airport: Not specified

HI again

At the moment the system runs slower than sloooow if at all. Requests are timing out.

The reports where the view buttons reappeared have a date, but no location shown.

An info about what or who is working on the website would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance


Posted by erdni on 11 February 2023 - 18:22:45
Local Airport: Not specified

Hi again

System is back at speed but my reports don't work correctly still


Posted by erdni on 12 February 2023 - 08:28:36
Local Airport: Not specified

Hi again

It's the same this morning. My guess is, that someone tried to change the outfit to find even more room for ads and something went wrong. Franzen has same issues, so I guess everybody has. Check your my reports down to ca the last (first appearing) 100 and the next 100 won't have a view button, then the next 100 won't have the location mentioned, just the date but the view button is back. There are gaps between sections that look like arranged for ads.

Afterwards everything seems to be o.k. but all reports are on only one page and the search function won't appear at all, which is very very uncomfortable.

Will somebody please rearrange that, or at least give an info what is going on!?

Thanks in advance


Posted by erdni on 13 February 2023 - 22:45:14
Local Airport: Not specified

Hi again

It's even worse. The first maybe 50 reports work o.k, the second 50 got no view button, the third 50 got just a date but no location but a view button and then it repeats until the end. Search option won't appear at all. Without ad blocker after 50 reports, there won't be a view button anywhere. Somebody must have worked on the ads and harmed 'my reports' badly.

Will anybody repair that or at least make a comment.


Premium Posted by p.loughnane on 14 February 2023 - 16:08:09
Local Airport: DUB

I have noticed the same issues for the last few weeks on my account. Nothing has changed and the adds seem to be getting bigger and bigger.

I am starting to worry that no-one is running the site now.

Posted by erdni on 14 February 2023 - 17:36:09
Local Airport: Not specified

Thanks Paul for taking notice.

Last time I had issues was 06/01/2023 and nighthawk fixed it same day. Jexeters problems a week later got fixed within 3 days. So maybe it's not that bad, but it seems they make some mistakes improving the ads. Should be possible to fix it when they read this. Hopefully they don't do the same to 'my sightings'. Would be even worse.

Hey Nighthawk, if You have read this already give us an info,please

Thanks Erdni

Admin Posted by nighthawk on 15 February 2023 - 17:00:57
Local Airport: CAX

I haven't made any changes to the site in the last few weeks, nor have I changed anything with the ads, although they do change themselves every now snd then to try and optimise revenue, which is frustrating.

I'll take a look tomorrow and see what is going on. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Posted by erdni on 15 February 2023 - 17:34:57
Local Airport: Not specified

Hi Gavin

Thanks for the reply. Hope I explained the problem good enough in the posts. Hope you find the reason and it's easy to fix.


Posted by erdni on 16 February 2023 - 09:00:27
Local Airport: Not specified

Hi Gavin

Had a short look. Seems to be fixed. Thanks a lot.


Admin Posted by nighthawk on 16 February 2023 - 13:50:23
Local Airport: CAX

Hi Erdni,

I havent done anything to fix it - I'm just looking at the issue now. It seems it might be a random issue that appears now and again.

If it happens again, can you get a screenshot and send it to me at webmaster@taxiwayalpha.com please and I'll try and fix it.

Posted by erdni on 28 February 2023 - 18:14:43
Local Airport: Not specified

Hi Gavin

The problem reappeared. I sent you a couple of screenshots by mail, as you asked for.

The later mail has better shots to work with, forget about the first one.

Thanks in advance


Post Edited By erdni on 28/02/2023 - 18:26:35
Posted by erdni on 01 March 2023 - 17:18:45
Local Airport: Not specified

Hi Gavin

Don't know if you did something this time but at the moment it looks fixed again.

Thanks anyway


Posted by erdni on 08 March 2023 - 15:39:35
Local Airport: Not specified

Hi Gavin

The problem reappeared again. Same as in e-mail I sent a week ago.


edit.; Still not working 09/03/2023

Post Edited By erdni on 09/03/2023 - 08:57:46
Posted by erdni on 14 March 2023 - 11:29:39
Local Airport: Not specified

Hi Gavin

For a week now 'my Reports' looks like in the e-mails I sent You. Today it shows a search task when add blocker is deactivated, but three days ago it didn't even then. Surely has to do with the space for adds, though.

Please have a try to fix it before it happens to 'my sightings' as well, which would be even worse.

Thanks in advance


Posted by erdni on 17 March 2023 - 16:08:15
Local Airport: Not specified

Hi Gavin

I'll put it back in sight until I get an info or it's fixed

Thanks in advance


Posted by erdni on 09 April 2023 - 17:16:32
Local Airport: Not specified

Hi Gavin

After almost a month it's back to normal today for the first time.



Posted by erdni on 10 April 2023 - 07:17:54
Local Airport: Not specified

And now it's not working again.

Looks like I shouldn't mention, when it's o.k.

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Premium Posted by AltySi on 14 April 2023 - 14:25:59
Local Airport: MAN


I am currently unable to search in my reports by date. Please can this be looked at.

Many thanks. Rgds Simon

Premium Posted by AltySi on 18 April 2023 - 19:52:27
Local Airport: MAN

Any news on a fix for this please?

Premium Posted by AltySi on 23 April 2023 - 13:51:20
Local Airport: MAN


Any update please?

This was ok for a few days and has just stopped working correctly again. The search logs by date box has disappeared and some logs are not video as the View button is missing.

Rgds Simon

Posted by erdni on 23 April 2023 - 15:59:31
Local Airport: Not specified

Hi Simon

I sent a mail to Nighthawk 2 months ago. Heard nothing. Sometimes it's o.k for a moment.

Some times a server without activated add blocker makes it work while it doesn't work on the other. Often even that doesn't work. If you see where the adds pop up, it's no wonder that the search box doesn't find any space to pop up itself.

My biggest fear is that it will take over 'My sightings' as well.

Good luck


Premium Posted by AltySi on 21 May 2023 - 19:22:30
Local Airport: MAN


When will we get some feedback on this please?

Regards Simon

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